Back & Knee PAIN, NO MORE.
>>>>>> I have skied for over 50 years, ski, snowboard... and the SNO-GO... I have two. The safety of the SNO-GO compared to skiing can not be overstated. The benefit of snowboard boot not in bindings prevents the transfer of stress to the lower extremities, preventing fatigue and injuries. ...sorry folks were all getting older, and the SNO-GO has definitely prolonged my skiing career.
Retired Physical Therapist
Our flagship model is known as the SHIFT. This bike offers our proven S.L.A.T.® and EZ-Load™ tech that has expanded winter access to tens of thousands of people across the world.

Synchronized Lateral Articulation Technology replicates the turning radius and stopping power of skis. Tilting the SNO-GO handlebars will cause S.L.A.T. to engage the ski edges into a parallel carve that leaves expert skiers turning their heads. The newest riders have immediate control.

The EZ-Load™ is a chairlift loading system that makes loading your bike onto the chairlift a breeze. The rider simply straddles the bike, sits down and lets the chairlift do the work!

Disassembling your SNO-GO takes just a few minutes for convenient traveling and storage.
Check out SNO-GO travel bags here.

Redefining Ski Bike Tech
Why is SNO-GO biking suddenly taking off? S.L.A.T®️ is revolutionary.
1. Lowers center of gravity.
2. Skis move freely with rider commands.
3. Maximizes control in varied terrain.
4. Does not require fixed bindings.
5. Easy on the joints and your body.

Warm. Comfortable. Free.
Happy Feet
Any rugged winter boot or snowboarding boots are great for snogoing and there's no need to clip into bindings. Pure freedom!