Side hits for days. Precision lines between the trees. Drifting into tomorrow. I can't decide what I love best. I just know I love rippin my SNO-GO."
>>>>>> "After snowboarding for 14 years, I discovered SNO-GO around the same time as mountain biking and was doing everything instantly. For me, it's all about going fast and doing a lot of jumps."
This is the story of Alex Nadeau.
Reed Boggs and Nicholi Rogatkin have been snogoing since 2018. Originating from Reed's dad nudging the boys to give SNO-GO a shot, this story is really just now accelerating into a new movement in winter sports and we were lucky enough they let us film the first sessions. Here they are in order.
We hope you enjoy.
Nic Hilton eyes down the end of a single barrel rail during last winter's SNO-GO Fest week. This image is a first ever frontside grind.
When a new sport surfaces and friends rally each other to try something new, the rate of progression explodes. We can't wait to see what new tricks appear every year.

Follow our pro riders on Instagram and you'll see a ton of bar tricks on a SNO-GO. Bar spins, tuck suicide no-handers, X-ups, and the occasional front ski grab.
Last winter we began to see more athletes getting their feet off the bike with moves like Josh Hoffer's no-foot can can, heel clickers, supermans, and even a nothing.

6 athletes have successfully flipped on a SNO-GO to date. This list (in order of accomplishment) includes:
Isaac Freeland
Nicholi Rogatkin
Reed Boggs
Josh Hoffer
Jerrell Webster
Christian Arehart

The SNO-GO Difference
Revolutionary Ski Bike Tech
Curious why SNO-GO biking is suddenly taking off?
We created S.L.A.T.® Tech.
1. Lowers center of gravity and places direct contact into ski edges so you can pressure the skis tip-to-tail.
2. Keeps your center of mass properly aligned to maximize control by weighting the inside edge of your outside foot.
3. Shorter turning radius helps navigate tree runs in a controlled high speed pinball down the trail.